Tuesday, March 31, 2020

While this English class was more of a reminder of Essays

While this English class was more of a reminder of what I learned in High School, it was a welcome refresher course. This reflection paper is supposed to be a reminder of my own thoughts for later use. In this reflection, I will talk about my feelings for the class. I will mention my thoughts for the paper, what I learned, and how it will help me with future endeavours. Overall, it will be a brief summary for and of my own thoughts. I thought that in this English class I would have more creative freedom with assignments. Having a topic chose for me to write was not that inspirational. The class overall reminded me of the key points of writing I learned in High School that I had forgotten. It also gave a refresher on how to cite and place references. These are all things I learned at a High School level, but it was nice to get a refresher on them all since I don't usually cite or use references when I type something. While not a beginner, I am no where near an expert. I type things all the time, but not at a professional level. I already learned how to write papers and use peer reviews, but was able to get used to them again in a school setting. I sort of felt like my peer reviews could have been better. The questions I needed to answer didn't sound like they would be as helpful to the peer I was reviewing as much as they could have been. Other than being reminded of how to cite sources and learning how to peer review with overwhelming kindness, I am not exactly sure I learned a great deal. However, I stay confident in my personal writings with topics I know more about. My essay took several forms. I usually start just writing down whatever comes to mind and polish it up after working on the paper for a while. That is when the organization of the paper comes into play. The final version took into account everything my teacher and peers said. They are trying to be helpful so clearly it is better to take what they say into account while keeping the paper as much my own as possible. I just need to remember to organize better so my paper is not as scatter brained as the first draft. I think I did well enough in this class. I am not very proud about anything since there was just one generic paper to write. Something I would do differently in the class would be to try and give one hundred percent to the paper from the start. I find it hard to write an amazing paper for a topic I do not take to heart. Though I think I did an alright job at it. I know that in the real world we are forced to do things we do not want to do, but I still wish we would have more topic freedoms. I did not use anything from my first three classes in this class. Actually I think having English first would have been better than having it fourth. I am not exactly sure how citing things will help me in the workplace, but it's good to know just in case I do need it. English all around is something I'll use in the workplace and in the rest of my classes. Should I need to write a paper for another class or type something for work, what I learned in English class will help me. In this class I was able to be reminded of all the finer points of English writing that I long forgot since High School. It was nice to get that refresher of grammar too. With all my thoughts placed together in this one paper, I will be able to reflect on it later on. I know that it will help me to remember this class should I need to recall something. Reflection is the better part of the day.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

About the stone Periodot, the birthstone of the month of august

About the stone Periodot, the birthstone of the month of august PeridotHave you ever heard of the birthstone peridot? Well, if you haven't I'll teach you a little bit about it. The reason why I'm researching peridot is because my birthday is on August 18, so that makes peridot my birthstone.Peridot comes in the color olive-green, and sometimes comes in a yellowish green. It is very pretty and it looks beautiful on a necklace or as a ring. When rubbed on a piece of glass peridots streak is white, and the luster is glassy. Every time I see my birthstone it is shiny and it looks very elegant. Peridot was tested on the Moh's hardness scale and its range is from 6.5 to 7.0, so it is pretty hard but not as hard as a diamond. The chemicals used in a peridot are (Mg, Fe2)2 S04. Now, where is peridot found? It's found in Arizona, Hawaii, China, and in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.Peridot from the San Carlos Apache reservation in ...Peridot is found pretty close to Kentucky, but it's still a while away. Unlike the diamond, peridot is only semi-precious, and i t can still be valued pretty high. Peridot was named from its color. Its color olive green is referred to peridot. Now you have hopefully learned a lot about peridot.The history, folklore, and superstitions about peridot are, that it is given as a gift to celebrate a 16th wedding anniversary. Peridot was believed to have the power to break evil spells, so people would wear peridot on a necklace. Peridot was thought to bring the wearer to success, peace, and good luck. Cleopatra loved peridot and wore it all the time. Some other powers of peridot are protection, health, and sleep. It is also used to attract love and calm anger while also soothing nerves, and dispelling negative emotion. There...